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Community Residential

Community Residential

Community Residential areas for new development are generally recommended as a land use transition or buffer between lower density single family residential uses and intensive arterial or collector streets, or more intensive land uses.  These single family residential areas include existing and planned neighborhoods with a base density of about 4 to 6 units per acre.  As a standard single family residential subdivision, R-1-6 zoning with a minimum lot size of 6,000 s.f. may apply, or larger lots if desired. 

The base density may be increased under the PRUD ordinance to provide a variety of lot sizes and housing types with common open space3 amenity area(s). Flexibility in lot size, setbacks and housing type allows for the provision of common open space areas.  The cost of maintaining open space is shared by more homeowners through a density bonus that requires high quality building materials and superior community design (see Chapter 6. Residential Neighborhoods with Variety and Amenities).    


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