Urban District

Urban District
Urban Districts are the core of Layton, serving as centers for business and residential living with regional and local retail, recreational, cultural, and educational amenities. Urban Districts are mixed-use in character and should include multi-story buildings oriented to the street, with office, retail, service, hospitality, entertainment, and residential uses. Plazas, paseos (walkway or promenade), pocket parks and other useable open spaces provide interesting places for the community to gather and are encouraged to be carefully incorporated.
Urban Districts emphasize walkable and bikeable streets and are hubs for transit use. Parking structures are encouraged to conserve valuable space, minimize surface parking lot areas where possible, and maximize building footprint areas for people to live and work. Condos, apartments, and townhomes should provide a mix of housing options at a range of price points. Two nearly adjacent Urban Districts are the heart of Layton City and are the sites of the most intense future infill development and redevelopment: 1. Historic Downtown and 2. Midtown.